Akrul is a harsh terrestrial planet located in the unnamed Akrul star system, far from Earth's solar system. The planet features a rocky, volcanic landscape shaped by extreme geological activity. The planet's surface is marked by vast mountain ranges, deep canyons, and harsh terrain. Due to its orbit around a red dwarf star, the planet experiences intense temperature variations that contribute to its geological instability.
Environmental Factors
Akrul's environment is characterized by extreme conditions:
- Red Sun: The planet orbits a red dwarf star, which bathes the surface in a constant crimson glow. The red sun also contributes to Akrul's harsh climate, with extreme temperature fluctuations between day and night.
- Resource Scarcity: Akrul's harsh environment has led to a scarcity of natural resources, particularly water and arable land. Ice caps at the poles are the primary source of water, carefully managed and rationed. Advanced technology is employed to maximize the efficiency of resource extraction and utilization.
- Extreme Weather: The planet experiences violent storms and temperature swings, necessitating advanced protective measures for settlements and infrastructure.
- Matrix Crystals: Rare minerals found in Akrul's crust possess unique self-repairing properties. These crystals have interlocking structures that can realign under pressure, allowing them to repair structural damage.
Elemental Sites
- The Citadel: A massive fortress constructed from Matrix Crystal compounds, located in Akrul's northern hemisphere. The structure's self-repairing capabilities make it virtually indestructible, as any damage from storms or attacks triggers an automatic crystalline reformation process.
- The Shatterproof Plains: A vast expanse where the ground is composed of naturally occurring Matrix Crystal formations, creating an ever-shifting landscape that repairs itself after geological events.
The Akrulans are the native species of Akrul. They are characterized by their imposing stature, reaching heights of up to seven feet, and possessing four arms. Their tough, gray hide-like skin and prominent horns are adaptations to their harsh home environment. Akrulans have four eyes that provide excellent depth perception and the ability to see in low-light conditions.
Akrulan society is highly stratified, with a strong emphasis on technological advancement and military prowess. The majority of the population supports the Legion's expansionist goals, though a small minority seeks more peaceful relations with other species.
Notable Akrulans include:
- Akzral Vhazix: The current supreme leader of the Akrulan Legion, who has ruled for 500 years.
- Krul Khaz: A military commander known for leading the conquest of Vesta.
- Krul Sa'vaj: Once a mentor to the Exile, now pursues her with a vengeance for her perceived betrayal.
- Krul Te'Aror: One of the few female Krul, known for her cunning and vast intelligence network.
Significance in Interplanetary Affairs
As the homeworld of the Akrulan Legion, Akrul serves as the central command for their military operations and conquest plans across the galaxy.