Akrul is a harsh terrestrial planet located in the unnamed Akrul star system, far from Earth's solar system. The planet features a rocky, volcanic landscape shaped by extreme geological activity. The planet's surface is marked by vast mountain ranges, deep canyons, and harsh terrain. Due to its orbit around a red dwarf star, the planet experiences intense temperature variations that contribute to its geological instability.

Environmental Factors

Akrul's environment is characterized by extreme conditions:

Elemental Sites


The Akrulans are the native species of Akrul. They are characterized by their imposing stature, reaching heights of up to seven feet, and possessing four arms. Their tough, gray hide-like skin and prominent horns are adaptations to their harsh home environment. Akrulans have four eyes that provide excellent depth perception and the ability to see in low-light conditions.

Akrulan society is highly stratified, with a strong emphasis on technological advancement and military prowess. The majority of the population supports the Legion's expansionist goals, though a small minority seeks more peaceful relations with other species.

Notable Akrulans include:

Significance in Interplanetary Affairs

As the homeworld of the Akrulan Legion, Akrul serves as the central command for their military operations and conquest plans across the galaxy.