The Flora and Fauna Foundation, more popularly known as Flō, is an interplanetary non-governmental organization for extraplanetary wildlife research and preservation. Their mission is to learn about and protect species of flora and fauna and their habitats and to help restore natural ecosystems.


As a non-governmental organization, Flō works within the framework of the Intergalactic Alliance to further its conservation goals across multiple planets. As such, VISION has been Flō’s biggest collaborator for conservation projects. Conflicts often arise between their efforts and PREDATOR's hunting activities, particularly when contracts involve rare or protected species.


Flō has protected conservation zones on numerous planets to safeguard wildlife. While protected, these PC zones do not hold any operation bases, relying more on mobile operations and temporary field stations. This approach allows Flō to maintain a flexible presence across various ecosystems without establishing permanent facilities that might disrupt the natural environment. Despite Flō not holding as much territory as other factions, its influence is considerable, thanks to its network of dedicated researchers, volunteers, and partnerships with other organizations committed to environmental preservation. Their main base of operations can be found on Earth. Additionally, they possess and maintain a massive terrarium called the Eden on the planet Tempus.