In this expansive science fiction setting, various intelligent species have developed unique languages that reflect their physical characteristics, cultural heritage, and historical experiences.

(NOTE: Using naming conventions is not mandatory for players. The following naming conventions serve as guidelines for creating authentic-sounding names within each culture, while allowing for creative flexibility.)

Ohrinthine Language

Ohrinthine language features prominent use of sibilants, fricatives, and affricates, which reflects their reptilian-avian physiology.

Naming Conventions

The Ohrinthine naming system consists of a primary given name, a secondary family name, a tertiary clan name. A given name is for personal identification, a family name is passed down through generations, and a clan name indicates their affiliation with one of the sky clans. Their clan name is traditionally derived from the sky clan's name and reflects their heritage within the Ohrinthian society.

When the Ohrinthi engage in formal conversations, they use all three names in their initial introduction, but typically default to given names in casual settings. The use of clan names in conversation carries special significance, often reserved for ceremonial occasions or when emphasizing tribal bonds. Family names serve as a middle ground, used in semi-formal situations or when distinguishing between individuals with the same given name.

Not all Ohrinthi have clan names. During the brutal invasion of Vesta by the Akrulan Legion and the subsequent mass exodus, many families were separated and displaced, leading to the loss of their clan affiliations and cultural heritage over time. While some have maintained their clan connections, others have had their ancestral ties severed by the chaos of forced migration.

Notable sky clans that can be found in names include:

Example Ohrinthine names:

Azal'qan Language