The Akrulan Legion, or simply Legion, is a formidable military force from Akrul. Led by commanders known as Krul, this faction represents a significant threat to the Intergalactic Alliance. The Legion's primary objective is to dominate the universe using the power of Cybernetic Energy Reactors (CER0s), the technology that prompted the Exile's flight to Earth long ago.


The Legion's rise to power was gradual but relentless. As the planet’s society grew increasingly focused on technological advancement and military might, the Legion emerged as the dominant political and military force. This shift was largely driven by a societal push for expansion and control as its resources diminished.

Around 550 years ago, the Legion created the Aanuh Ka'ri. The Exile, previously known as Krul Mhirai, designed them as subservient beings meant to fulfill Akrulan interests. However, her growing compassion for them led to their escape. Over two centuries later, her invention of Cybernetic Energy Reactors (CER0s) would mark another potential turning point for the faction. Legion sought to weaponize this technology and viewed her departure and the loss of CER0 technology as a betrayal.

It has demonstrated its military prowess and goals through the Siege of Vesta and the Battle for Vulcan. They invaded the Ohrinthi homeworld, claiming it as their own, and nearly succeeded in Vulcan’s conquest.


The Legion is led by the Krul, military commanders who hold political power over territories within the planet’s conquest. The strongest among these commanders is known as the Akzral, who serves as the supreme leader of the Legion. The Akzral's word is law, and their decisions shape the strategy and direction of the Legion's conquests.

Krul can challenge the Akzral for leadership through combat. These trials are often brutal and decisive, ensuring that only the most capable and ruthless rise to the top of the Legion's hierarchy. Below the Krul are various officers and soldiers, each with specialized roles within the Legion's military machine.


The current Akzral, Vhazix, has ruled for 500 years. His reign has been marked by aggressive expansion and a ruthless pursuit of power. Under Vhazix's leadership, the Legion has made significant advancements in military technology and tactics. However, his long-standing rule has also led to growing unrest among ambitious Krul who seek to challenge his authority.


Their relentless pursuit of CER0 technology and ruthless tactics have often put them in direct conflict with Vision. The ongoing struggle between these factions has sparked several large-scale battles and covert operations. Other factions like Mirage and QuoTek are drawn into the conflict based on their interests and allegiances.